Militi Succurrimus
As Remembrance Day approaches, readers may be interested to know the origins of the Canadian Forces Medical Services' (CFMS) motto. Dr. Michael Warrington LCol (Hon. Ret'd) recounts the following.
"In 1976, while serving as medical officer in the British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught's Own), I was asked by the area surgeon, LCol Anthony Grasset, if I had any ideas for a motto for the CFMS. We had both studied medicine at Middlesex Hospital (est. 1745) in London, UK. The hospital's motto Miseris Succerrere Disco (I am learning to succour the distressed) was inspired by a quotation from the Aeneid by Virgil (70-19 BC) at the part where Queen Dido says to Aeneas when he was cast upon her shores: 'Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco' (Knowing something of misfortune myself, I am learning to succour the distressed). I suggested that we adapt this motto. On Aug. 10, 1988, the CFMS adopted Militi Succurrimus (We succour the soldier) as its motto." — Submitted by Dr. Michael Warrington LCol (Hon. Ret'd), Tsawwassen, BC
As Remembrance Day approaches, readers may be interested to know the origins of the Canadian Forces Medical Services' (CFMS) motto. Dr. Michael Warrington LCol (Hon. Ret'd) recounts the following.
"In 1976, while serving as medical officer in the British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught's Own), I was asked by the area surgeon, LCol Anthony Grasset, if I had any ideas for a motto for the CFMS. We had both studied medicine at Middlesex Hospital (est. 1745) in London, UK. The hospital's motto Miseris Succerrere Disco (I am learning to succour the distressed) was inspired by a quotation from the Aeneid by Virgil (70-19 BC) at the part where Queen Dido says to Aeneas when he was cast upon her shores: 'Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco' (Knowing something of misfortune myself, I am learning to succour the distressed). I suggested that we adapt this motto. On Aug. 10, 1988, the CFMS adopted Militi Succurrimus (We succour the soldier) as its motto." — Submitted by Dr. Michael Warrington LCol (Hon. Ret'd), Tsawwassen, BC
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